Iron Marines Wikia
Iron Marines Wikia
Screenshot 2017-09-17-17-38-46-0


Light my fire.

A heavy armored mecha sending bursts of raging flames. Their fearless pilots break enemy lines in a cloud of fiery smoke.

  • Sets enemies on fire.
  • Deals damage over time.
    Mecha flamewalker 0033
  • Targets only ground enemies.
Armor Life Move type speed Att Type Att area Range ROF Damage Pierce
30 4000 Ground 1.4 special - 200 1 70 fire (100)

Special: Single target + Ignite floor (radius 50) for 4,5 seconds. Enemies in area are set on fire for 2 seconds taking 45 damage per second.


  • The Flamewalker is an absolute beast in ground based crowd control. It does this by fast, decent damage bursts of flame to a small area, The flames also set enemies on fire, dealing more damage over time.
  • The Flamewalker is good at tanking due to its high health, and can quickly lay the heat on tougher enemies due to its fire damage ignoring armor,
  • Unlike the other melee mecha, the Brawler, the Flamewalker has low armor, so keep an eye on it when its tanking against tougher enemies.
  • Photonic Oscillator improves the Flamewalker's tanking ability by stunning enemies, temporarily halting incoming damage, but shouldn't be relied upon due to its slow cool down.
  • In addition to crowd control and armored enemies, the Flamewalker is also really good at wasting structures due to its continuous rate of fire and additional flame damage.
  • The Flamewalker is at a disadvantage to long ranged enemies due to its average ranged weapon and slow speed. Either close the distance or support it with longer ranged units.
  • Handroid, while best at assisting crowd control, can be used to target longer ranged enemies since it has a fairly long range.
  • The Flamewalker is vulnerable to aerial enemies, as its flamethrower and both of its abilities only target the ground. Send aerial targeting units to back up Flamewalkers or switch them to Shellstorms if necessary.


Photonic Oscillator (Tier 3, Cool down = Slow)

  • Allows Flamewalkers to throw stun grenades. (150 Tech Points)
  • Doubles stun duration of Flamewalkers' grenades. (300)
  • Triples stun duration of Flamewalkers' grenades. (600)

Handroid (Tier 9, Cool down = Fast)

  • Flamewalker hand becomes an enemy seeking explosive drone. (150 Techpoints)
  • Increases drone's explosive damage by 25%. (300)
  • Increases drone's explosive damage by 50%. (600)


- Torch and scorch!

- Hit the gas!

- Flame on!



- Pedal to the medal!

- Fire in the hole! (when using Photonic Oscillator)

- Burning!

- Bewaare the thinng! (When using Handroid)

