"First Contact" is the first level in Iron Marines, and the first level on the planet Sagan-1. It is the introduction to the Fell race, who have fled from the Raad and attacked the Etherium mines of the Federation.
Briefing: "Our colony on Sagan-1 has been invaded by unknown alien lifeforms. As the only Iron Marine forces in the area, we must assist the colonists and retrieve the Etherium deposits.
These mineral supplies are vital for Earth's survival."
Objective: "Defeat all enemies in the area."
Since this level is the first one in the game, it is more of a tutorial. The player starts with one Etherium Refinery, and is instructed by the game to recruit a squad of Rangers. The player must then move the rangers to the north west side of the refinery to protect against attacks.
After the first enemies are defeated, a command point appears and the player moves to capture it and recruit another squad of rangers. The north east side of the refinery shows rubble being blown up, and the player must rally their squads through the pathway to find Taggins, the first hero.
After defeating the fell that appear through the tunnels, the player continues along south to capture an Etherium Deposit, where a second refinery is built. Enemies then appear from both sides and the player must prevent the refinery from being destroyed.