Iron Marines Wikia
Iron Marines Wikia
Screenshot 2017-09-17-17-46-57-0

It's show time!

The heavyweight of all mecha squads, commanded by the bravest of pilots. They stand unflinching in the thick of the battle, crushing down the strongest enemies.

  • Melee combat
  • Superior armor and health
  • Targets only ground enemies
    Mecha brawler 0007
Armor Life Move type speed Att Type Att area Range ROF Damage Pierce
70 6500 Ground 1.4 Single target - Melee 2.5 600 -

Special: 25% extra damage vs ranged enemies

  • The Brawler is the ultimate tanking unit, as its high armor and health let it absorb even the highest damage attacks. Position the Brawler in front of the other units so it can shield them from harm.
  • Due to the Brawler being a melee unit, melee enemies will prioritize attacking it. This makes the Brawler especially good at protecting other units from melee enemies as they'll attack it without fail.
  • As a melee unit, the Brawler also takes no additional damage from melee enemies but can inflict additional damage of its own on ranged enemies.
  • The Brawler's melee attack is slow but devastating. This makes it good for grappling with tougher enemies.
  • The Brawler can soak up ranged attacks, but can rarely retaliate due to its low range. Either support the Brawler with ranged units or send it into melee range.
  • As a melee unit, the Brawler also cannot target aerial units. Support it with ranged units.
  • Once unlocked, Defense Drones will improve the Brawler's capabilities for crowd control, ranged enemies, and aerial enemies, especially aerial enemies. Defense Drones have a fast cool down, so the ability is near-constant.
  • Harvester is another useful upgrade; once unlocked as the Brawler extracts Etherwatt while idle, increasing the speed at which new units can be purchased.

Defense Drones (Cooldown = Very Fast, Tier 10)

  • The Brawlers launch a group of aerial robots that orbit and defend them. (350 Techpoints)
  • Increases Brawlers' drones' damage. (700)

Harvester (Passive, Tier 12)

  • Idle Brawlers can extract small amounts of Etherwatts from the ground. (200 Techpoints)
  • Increases extraction speed of idle Brawlers. (400)
  • Further increases idle Brawlers' extraction speed. (600)

- Want some? (when deployed)

- Gather 'round. (often when extracting etherium)

- Roll with punch! (or "forward punch) (Defense Drones)

- Rammin'!

- In fighting!

- Bob and weave! (Or perhaps "bobbin weave")

- Aye.

- Uh huh.

- Blow by blow!

